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I feel that I must do all I can to keep alive the motorcycling legacy of Edgar, my dear, late Grandfather, whilst maintaining the high educational standards set for me by my Mama. I abhor naughtiness and immorality.

A well aimed sock.

I travelled to Oxford recently for a meeting of my women's group - neither, alas, on my motorcycle nor in 1st Class.  I don't mind travelling with ordinary people but three things annoy me:  people who put their shopping bags on the seat and stop someone else sitting down, people who put their grubby feet on the seat in front - so horrible - and people who use mobile phones, and feel they have to shout.

At Reading, a red-faced individual got on - my Mama would have described him as the 'cad type', belonging to an era of Prince of Wales check suits and correspondent shoes - and immediately started to use his phone. What everyone then received was a blow-by-blow account of his client's internet programme, and quite a lot of loose language.

Around me, people started to become fidgety, and some began to say "Shush!" in an urgent way.  The man took no notice until, behind me, an elderly man bellowed like a Sergeant-Major "Put a sock in it, man!"

What a miracle!  The offender was heard to say "I've got to go - I'm talking too loud!" and immediately shut up. The carriage descended into peace.

I say "Hurrah!"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I want to see a pair of correspondent shoes

  3. Myra dear, you are MOST welcome to my little site - but you do get a bit racey sometimes so please keep your comments decent.

  4. So often people with loud voices have so little to say, however occasionally, one loud voice saying so little says so much!
